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Co2timber British Western Red Cedar Feather Edge

Feather Edged Cladding British Western Red Cedar

Rebated Feather Edge 140mm
cover width 130mm

From £ 5.63 per meter

Traditional Feather Edge 150mm

From £ 5.21 per meter

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01460 281225

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Ex V.A.T. and delivery

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Co2timber Feather Edge
Feather edge cladding is a traditional style of cladding created by overlapping boards. Each board has one edge thicker than the other creating a tapered side, Our feather Edge boards tapper from 20mm to 10mm and can be used for a wide verity projects from cladding barns to sheds and is also a popular fencing materiel.

Compared to other forms of cladding timber is noted for being the ultimate green material. Having the least impact on the environment during its lifespan and it also requires significantly less energy to produces compared with man-made alternatives. Cedar can be left untreated as classified as BS EN 350-2 class 3 (moderately durable).

Rebated Feather Edge 140mm

cover width 130mm

Co2 Larch® Larch Feather Edge claddingBritish western red cedar rebated feathered edge cladding is designed and produced to fix flat against its mounting surface giving a flatter more uniform look over traditional feather edge cladding yet still allowing the definition between each board (defined straight lines).

Also giving the benefit of a quicker "fixing time" as timbers lock together without the use of additional tools.

It provides a contemporary twist on a very old tradition style of cladding and offers great protection against the British weather.

The face has a fine sawn finish giving a contemporary and modern feel compared to our traditional feather edge.

British cedar can be left untreated but will also take a good quality treatment, the fine sawn finish gives greater cover when applying treatment.

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Co2timber Feather Edge Rebate Front
Rebated Front
Co2timber Feather Edge Rebate Side View
Rebated Side
Kiln Dried Rebated Per 3600mm length
20mm X 140mm X 3600mm£ 20.25

Traditional Feather Edge 150mm

Co2 Larch® Larch Feather Edge claddingWe believe our feather edge cladding is unrivalled in its quality and versatility.

We offer all our customers as part of our philosophy of "looking after our customers" a feather edge board that has a very special feature - one face of the board is a SAWN finish while the opposite face has a FINE SAWN finish, this gives our customers the choice of a "Rustic Sawn look" or a more "Contemporary Smooth Look". Furthermore if you intend on treating your timber the smooth side will be a more accepting face to treat. If you have ever tried coating a sawn finish you will know how long it takes and how much treatment it takes. The smooth face finish will save you time and money.

We believe we are the only saw mill or in fact retailer of feather edge cladding that offers this feature and above all at no extra cost to our customers.

Co2timber feather edge rough side
Rough Side
Co2timber Feather Edge Fine Sawn
Fine Side
Kiln Dried Traditional Per 3600mm Length
20mm X 150mm X 3600mm£ 18.74
All Prices Exc. V.A.T. and Delivery.

Delivery and minimum order value click here.

To order please Click here to contact us or call us on 01460 281225 - email
To order please Click here to contact us or call us on

01460 281225

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Required Boards Calculator


Please note this is a guide calculation when placing order please give all dimensions required.

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