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Hardwood and Softwood Flooring

Co2 Timber family of timbers offer T&G and square edge flooring boards in a choice of three types of timber. All are very suitable for flooring and it is a personal choice as to which timber would best suit your needs. The links below will take you to the relevant website.

  1. Hand picked boards
  2. Kiln dried to approx 12% moisture content
  3. Quality checked before production and despatch

Hardwood Timber

Co2 Balau Hardwood Flooring
Information & Pricing

British Larch

Co2 Larch® Flooring
Information & Pricing

Red Grandis
Hardwood Timber
Treated With A Stain

Co2 Grandis Red Grandis Hardwood Flooring
Information & Pricing
It is always worth remembering that before laying any real wood flooring that it must be allowed to "acclimatise" in its installation location for a minimum of 14 days before installation. Please contact us to discuss your requirements.

To order please Click here to contact us or call us on

01460 281225

email us
